Eastern Desert Western Desert
Duration 10:00
Eastern Desert Western Desert was composed May 1990, after a trip to Egypt. In the Egypt I heard Arabic music and was fascinated by the ud, the Arabic lute. The guitar seems to have an Arabic origin, the word ‘guitar’ is even based on an Arabic word. Visiting the old temples along the Nile, I tried to imagine what the music of the farao cultures might have sounded like.The harp was an important instrument, as countless frescos show. A harp-like atmosphere was achieved by using guitar chords that include as many loose strings as possible. The title ‘Eastern Desert Western Desert’ refers of course to the vast deserts east and west of the Nile valley. The guitars represent those deserts. The composition is based on 3 harmonies, all based on the ground note of E.
Recording by Groningen Guitar Duo from their album Body of your Dreams, all guitar duos by JacobTV, Basta 30-919-22